Treating Yeast Infection Effectively With Probiotics

Most people have heard of and even used antibiotics plenty of times. While the discovery of antibiotics was a major breakthrough in medicine and helped treat many conditions, the downside is that it killed off good bacteria needed by the body in addition to the disease causing bad bacteria. Research into probiotics and its benefits for treating yeast infection effectively as well as other conditions is one of the best responses for antibiotic overuse.
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary area that yeast or candida dwell though they do find their way to other parts of the body such as the mouth, skin, blood, vaginal area, etc. All these areas are interconnected anyway. The body features different parts that work together.
Also found in the gastrointestinal tract are billions of bacteria. When most people think of bacteria, they think bad disease causing bacteria that should be eliminated from the body and these may be present in the body just waiting for their chance to bring sickness and disease to the body.
Antibiotics help to get rid of these bad bacteria quite effectively, but alas, they also get rid of good or friendly bacteria. Yes, there is such a thing as good or friendly bacteria in the body.
There are billions of friendly bacteria that are essential for the body's health and wellbeing. The body contains more bacteria than cells if you can imagine that so you need to stop thinking of bacteria as all bad. The good or friendly bacteria help to prevent disease and fight viral infections and other ailments.
A yeast infection arises from the overgrowth of a fungus known as candida albicans that normally occurs all over the body. Fighting yeast infections does not mean eliminating all candida from the body. No, curing yeast infections and preventing recurrence means learning to control the population of candida in the body and not letting it excessively grow beyond the normal levels in the body.
One of the best ways to control excessive yeast or candida growth is with these friendly bacteria. When the body has sufficient good bacteria, they will not only be effective at treating yeast infection but will also prevent future recurrence by controlling their growth.
When the population of the friendly bacteria is decreased or eliminated especially through the use of antibiotics, there will be nothing to keep candida growth in check. With excessive candida growth comes yeast infections as well as a weakening of the immune system as the excessive candida starts releasing toxins into the body.
If seeking a natural way of treating yeast infection, preventing recurrence and improving your immune system, the use of probiotics is one of the best ways to do so.
Probiotics for Treating Yeast Infection
The friendly bacteria that are necessary for overall health and wellbeing include Bifidum bacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus. These friendly bacteria have been found to be very effective for curing candidiasis (yeast infection).
These are all naturally occurring organisms in yogurt but can also be found in other foods, powders, tablets, drinks, etc. You can find them in sour milk, sauerkraut, many pickles, etc. Research has shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacterium produce substances that can stop the growth of candida.
While yogurt is easily accessible, unfortunately many if not most found in grocery stores do not contain enough of the live cultures that are required to benefit the body.
In order to make a difference in the body, the yogurt or other product or supplements used should contain at least 1 billion organisms per serving. In addition to getting an adequate amount of live cultures, these healthy bacteria should be resistant to bile in the body and able to attach themselves to the gastrointestinal lining so that they can start to form a colony of good bacteria.
It is a waste of time and money if the product you buy containing live cultures passes through the body without disintegrating before it is eliminated by the body. It should also be able to survive the passage through the stomach by avoiding bile produced by the liver to prevent it from turning it into something else.
If you do decide to repopulate friendly bacteria through the use of yogurt, avoid the fancy yogurt. Go for simple plain yogurt with live cultures. Since bacteria are destroyed by heat, eat it cold.
Also make sure that it is fresh as it will usually contain at least 100 million bacteria per gram. Time on the shelf will destroy most of these bacteria.
Refrigerated yogurt is best for most of the live cultures to be able to survive. If at all possible, try to buy yogurt that is less than a week old which is the freshest and still contains most of the live cultures. The most beneficial yogurt will usually be found at health stores.
Probibiotic Supplements
Many people dislike the taste of yogurt or other foods containing probiotics such as sour milk, sauerkraut, etc, so probiotic supplements are the next best thing if not the best thing. Be sure that you purchase the supplements from a reputable retailer. Important tips for purchasing and using probiotic supplements include;
a. Getting the best quality involves ensuring that the supplements come in a dark glass container with a guarantee that the organisms are potent up to a certain expiration date clearly marked on the label. The label should also state that refrigeration is required in order to keep the live cultures potent and in great quantities.
b. Try to avoid probiotic supplements that contain other lives cultures besides Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacterium unless you know what additional live cultures you need. These additional cultures may just be a waste of money in addition to making the product one of lower quality.
c. Try to stick to powdered supplements or capsules and avoid tablets or liquid probiotics as the manufacturing process destroys or reduces the ability of the live cultures that can colonize.
d. If you have a sensitivity to dairy, ensure that the live cultures were not grown anywhere near dairy.
e. In order to treat a particular condition, it is important to obtain specific strains of the live cultures. Simply purchasing a product that contains Lactobacillus could mean that it contains any strain such as L. rhamnosus GG, L. acidophilus, etc.
In order for your body to benefit from probiotics, you need to find a strain or combination of strains that will work for you such as Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 which is great for improving the immune system and the digestive system, Lactobacillus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri which work great for fighting vaginal infection and promoting the health of the vaginal environment and so on and so forth.
f. Try to ensure that if you purchase more than one live culture, that they are separated as they may not be compatible with each other if they are placed in the same container unless the manufacturing process used a special process to keep them in the same container but separate.
g. You can start using probiotics immediately when you start an anti-candida regimen as they can help speed up the detoxification of yeast waste products as the candida starts to die off while also re-colonizing the body with friendly bacteria.
h. Read the instructions on the label very carefully and monitor how you react to the products after you first start taking them. You may suffer from some bloating or gas which should go away after a few days.
i. Use steady doses daily for at least a week if you want to see any benefits from probiotics.
j. Before starting an anti-candida regimen, you need to ensure that you stop using or doing anything that may be creating the perfect yeast growth environment such as antibiotic use, chronic stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, etc.
k. While probiotics pose few risks, do avoid them if you have a weakened immune system or are critically ill.
Probiotics are definitely a strategy to consider if you are looking for effective natural ways for treating yeast infection and preventing recurrence. Do remember that since these are live cultures, they can die off if not properly cared for. For more on yeast infection treatment, visit
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